2020 has been unimaginable. In this time of great challenge and constant change many of us are experiencing grief, anxiety, and a deep concern about our futures. And yet, at the very same time, we have been gifted with an election year, and an opportunity to make a difference with our voices and our votes. Through voting we can peacefully and powerfully take action.

But voting is tougher than ever this year! It’s really stressful, super confusing, and stupidly challenging. Somehow between Valentine’s Day and The Fourth of July 2020 has turned into a block buster horror flick - just in time for Halloween - literally! But doesn’t it feel good to know there’s something you can do about it? Yep! Yes you. You can take part in the first radical social media experiment in history; the same right given to each American citizen by the US constitution. The right to vote!


Celebrate your right by by pledging to exercise it! Accept the Yoga Votes Challenge and join us from October 19th, through election day, til November 6th, 2020 for our biggest and most ambitious event this year - a collective offering of yoga, voter support, poetry, meditation and more!

Nurture your mind, body and spirit with 3 weeks of daily, donation-based self-empowerment and self-healing. Remember, you’re not alone! Commune with others from around the globe in solidarity. Let’s make some Good Trouble!

EXPLORE THE OFFERINGS - more added everyday!



“My voice matters. I will take peaceful action to protect it. I will vote in the 2020 presidential election and help determine who will lead us into our future.
A future for ALL!”

Join us and help decide what type of future we will leave for generations to come.

There are three ways to take the pledge

1.     Sign the roster now! Below.
2.     Attend a class during Yoga Jubilee’s Yoga Votes
3.     Teach a class during Yoga Jubilee’s Yoga Votes

After taking the pledge your name will be added to the roster of names of others who have taken it!

Like YOGA JUBILEE on your social media outlet of choice (links below) and make it known to the world that you are committed to voting in 2020 by challenging your friends, family, colleagues, and followers on FB and IG to do the same.

To challenge them post a pic or video of yourself
(preferably in your favorite yoga posture)

"My voice matters because ...." or  "I’m taking the Pledge for...."

Add #yogajubilee #yogavotes #yogavotes2020 #myvoicematters to your post when challenging others!


Select class title or photo to register and learn more about each instructor.

All times below are Eastern (EDT/EST).

Winter Yin for Courage and Will

Winter Yin for Courage and Will

w/ Nadia Bey

In Traditional Chinese medicine winter is associated with the element of water, the emotions courage and will, and the kidneys (and urinary bladder)

In this practice we will explore deeply held restorative postures that work like acupuncture to activate the meridian lines, increasing energy flow and the relaxation response. We work with the connective tissue in the hips, pelvis and lower back. These meridian lines correspond with the organs of the body as well as the marma points in the Ayurveda. As a result a specific set of held poses can have a profound effect also on our emotional and energetic body.

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Yoga Nidra for Deep Rest & Wellbeing

Yoga Nidra for Deep Rest & Wellbeing

w/ Suzanne McCahill Perrine

Join Suzanne for a nourishing and relaxing respite from everything that is going on around you. Yoga Nidra, sometimes called Yogic Sleep, is a deeply restorative guided meditation practice that takes us to a place between wakefulness and sleep into a deep pool of stillness and ease. Let this evening practice set you up for a beautiful night's restorative slumber. Be sure to be in a space where you can be undisturbed for a little while and fully supported. You may like to have handy:
- blankets
- yoga mat
- pillows or bolster

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Peace in Action - Prana Flow

Peace in Action - Prana Flow

w/ Elika Aird

"wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving" ~ Kahlil Gibran

Wake up and connect with your body and Prana, the life force that inspires our practice, in an energetic and creative practice for all levels. You will be invited on an evolutionary journey that includes moving meditation, sun salutations, playful core movements and a grounding savasana to begin the new day.

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Metta for the Masses: A Reiki and Restorative Yoga Offering for Respite

Metta for the Masses: A Reiki and Restorative Yoga Offering for Respite

w/Niki Bruce

Join us for a restorative meditation session infused with reiki that focuses on Metta, or loving kindness. Tune into the breath; get back into the body and out of the brain as we relax and release into restorative yoga postures held for 5-7 minutes, experience reiki healing energy and meditate for the well-being of the masses during this time. We will end our evening together and be ready to drift peacefully off to sleep after our practice. Bring any yoga props you have (bolsters/blocks OR pillows/books) and a couple blankets. Tea, eye pillows or essential oils are not necessary, but are lovely additions.

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Root & Rise

Root & Rise

w/ Jen Tullo

An early morning wakeup call to start Election Day off with a feel-good slow flow yoga class. We will root our practice in nourishing and rejuvenating Yin poses, and Rise to embody strength, action, resilience and always peace. Pajamas welcome!

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Yin for Self Love - Open Heart and Hips

Yin for Self Love - Open Heart and Hips

w/ Nadia Bey

Allow your full self to deeply release into your edge in this restorative practice and sound bath. As we open we have the opportunity to let go and release. As we are now open to a greater capacity to receive, we will anchor the practice in reflection and affirmation. Our practice will culminate in a nidra accompanied by healing Frequencies.

In this practice we will explore deeply held restorative postures that work like acupuncture to activate the meridian lines, increasing energy flow and the relaxation response. We work with the connective tissue in the hips, pelvis and lower back. These meridian lines correspond with the organs of the body as well as the marma points in the Ayurveda. As a result a specific set of held poses can have a profound effect also on our emotional and energetic body.

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Yoga Votes Yoga for ALL!

Yoga Votes Yoga for ALL!

w/ Victoria Garcia Drago

A slower form of vinyasa yoga in which each series of asanas or physical postures allow each student to consciously work with their bodies, building awareness and understanding of their strength, flexibility, stability and full embodiment. By staying connected to the breath students develop the confidence to practice consciously, with a benevolent attitude; and to cultivate deep respect towards their bodies. By slightly slowing down the pace, the body relaxes, the mind feels clear, our emotions are stable and we become empowered to take healthy actions. In that calm state we can appreciate our wellbeing. The more we reside in a calm and clear minded state, the more we taste our divine nature. Inevitably, allowing the qualities of our essence to come forth (like the capacity to love, to care) to optimize wellness and feel good. Each student is encouraged to practice in a way that feels good to them, feeling a healthy challenge as opposed to “performing or chasing shapes”. The practice becomes an expression of the life force (prana) flowing through them.

During these turbulent times, Victoria is hoping to present the Yoga practice as a template to empower every student to understand the value of caring and the value of truthfulness more clearly. Victoria is hoping to be able to help people examine what is with clarity, to have the courage to challenge conditioned views and to take healthy actions collectively. Voting is a way to make one's voice heard. When expressing one's voice, it is important to use your own innate intelligence. We must be careful to not be manipulated by words but we must question what is. By pausing, reflecting and meditating upon what's at stake we can develop the capacity to discriminate well. We learn to distinguish between empty words, actual facts, and we can see what's going on more clearly, then we can make a healthy choice. Please "VOTE like your life depends on it, it does" Michelle Obama-

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Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga

w/ Emily Peterson

“To be well is not to live in a state of perpetual peace and calm, but to move fluidly from a state of adversity, risk, adventure, or excitement, back to safety and calm and out again... stress is not bad for you... being stuck is bad for you. " - Emily and Amelia Nogaski

After a day of action and outward directed energy, turn inward and enter a receptive state where the body has the space to speak regarding what it needs to recalibrate and rebalance. Yin yoga, practiced completely on the floor (can be done in bed) supports a calming of the nervous system while fortifying our capacity to flow in and out of emotional states and sensations in the body. A style of yoga which focuses on the connective tissues – the joints, ligaments, bones, fascia- and uses long-held, more passive poses to help restore the body through joint mobility, nourishing the body at the cellular level, and increasing energy flow within the body. Yin also creates a space for setting down the war with ourselves and developing the courage to encounter ourselves deeply.

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Peace in Action Prana Flow

Peace in Action Prana Flow

w/ Elika Aird

"wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving" ~ Kahlil Gibran

Wake up and connect with your body and Prana, the life force that inspires our practice, in an energetic and creative practice for all levels. You will be invited on an evolutionary journey that includes moving meditation, sun salutations, playful core movements and a grounding savasana to begin the new day.

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Metta for the Masses:  A Reiki and Restorative Yoga Offering for Respite

Metta for the Masses: A Reiki and Restorative Yoga Offering for Respite

w/Niki Bruce

Join us for a restorative meditation session infused with reiki that focuses on Metta, or loving kindness. Tune into the breath; get back into the body and out of the brain as we relax and release into restorative yoga postures held for 5-7 minutes, experience reiki healing energy and meditate for the well-being of the masses during this time. We will end our evening together and be ready to drift peacefully off to sleep after our practice. Bring any yoga props you have (bolsters/blocks OR pillows/books) and a couple blankets. Tea, eye pillows or essential oils are not necessary, but are lovely additions.

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Yoga Votes, Yoga Nidra

Yoga Votes, Yoga Nidra

w/ Nya Patrinos

Practice Yoga Nidra focusing on the deity Tara in all her form and aspects. Yoga Nidra is a lying down progressive relaxation technique similar to guided meditation.

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Yoga Votes Yoga for ALL!

Yoga Votes Yoga for ALL!

w/ Victoria Garcia Drago

A slower form of vinyasa yoga in which each series of asanas or physical postures allow each student to consciously work with their bodies, building awareness and understanding of their strength, flexibility, stability and full embodiment. By staying connected to the breath students develop the confidence to practice consciously, with a benevolent attitude; and to cultivate deep respect towards their bodies. By slightly slowing down the pace, the body relaxes, the mind feels clear, our emotions are stable and we become empowered to take healthy actions. In that calm state we can appreciate our wellbeing. The more we reside in a calm and clear minded state, the more we taste our divine nature. Inevitably, allowing the qualities of our essence to come forth (like the capacity to love, to care) to optimize wellness and feel good. Each student is encouraged to practice in a way that feels good to them, feeling a healthy challenge as opposed to “performing or chasing shapes”. The practice becomes an expression of the life force (prana) flowing through them.

During these turbulent times, Victoria is hoping to present the Yoga practice as a template to empower every student to understand the value of caring and the value of truthfulness more clearly. Victoria is hoping to be able to help people examine what is with clarity, to have the courage to challenge conditioned views and to take healthy actions collectively. Voting is a way to make one's voice heard. When expressing one's voice, it is important to use your own innate intelligence. We must be careful to not be manipulated by words but we must question what is. By pausing, reflecting and meditating upon what's at stake we can develop the capacity to discriminate well. We learn to distinguish between empty words, actual facts, and we can see what's going on more clearly, then we can make a healthy choice. Please "VOTE like your life depends on it, it does" Michelle Obama-

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Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga

w/ Emily Peterson

“To be well is not to live in a state of perpetual peace and calm, but to move fluidly from a state of adversity, risk, adventure, or excitement, back to safety and calm and out again... stress is not bad for you... being stuck is bad for you. "
- Emily and Amelia Nogaski

After a day of action and outward directed energy, turn inward and enter a receptive state where the body has the space to speak regarding what it needs to recalibrate and rebalance. Yin yoga, practiced completely on the floor (can be done in bed) supports a calming of the nervous system while fortifying our capacity to flow in and out of emotional states and sensations in the body. A style of yoga which focuses on the connective tissues – the joints, ligaments, bones, fascia- and uses long-held, more passive poses to help restore the body through joint mobility, nourishing the body at the cellular level, and increasing energy flow within the body. Yin also creates a space for setting down the war with ourselves and developing the courage to encounter ourselves deeply.

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Prana Flow - All Levels ~ (Solar)

Prana Flow - All Levels ~ (Solar)

w/ Elika Aird

"wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving" ~ Kahlil Gibran

Wake up and connect with your body and Prana, the life force that inspires our practice, in an energetic and creative practice for all levels. You will be invited on an evolutionary journey that includes moving meditation, sun salutations, playful core movements and a grounding savasana to begin the new day.

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Yoga Votes, Yoga Nidra

Yoga Votes, Yoga Nidra

w/ Nya Patrinos

This challenge kick-off is by special invitation only. Practice Yoga Nidra focusing on the deity Tara in all her form and aspects. Yoga Nidra is a lying down progressive relaxation technique similar to guided meditation.

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